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Firstly and Most Importantly, You Do Not Need This (Anabolic Fasting Will Get You Amazing Results All On Its Own). However… If You Are Looking to Get Results Quicker and Easier, This Is Your Answer
This is the EXACT diet I use myself and with any of my clients to get them AMAZING results in as little time as possible.
What is the Anabolic Fasting Diet?
This is an expansion on the process of Anabolic Fasting.
Anabolic Fasting is a unique way to help you build muscle and lose fat at the same time.
And the Anabolic Fasting Diet helps you do this quicker and easier.
Now, I should warn you – This is an extremely Counterintuitive Approach since it’s a blend of the most up-to-date science available combined with the Evolutionary Research on the origins of human Anatomy…
A combination that leads to a specific eating style that allows you to get even MORE out of the Anabolic Fasting Program.
Yes, building muscle while losing fat at the same time. It is possible, and over the next couple paragraphs I’ll show you how…
It’s not Just Calorie Counting or a Meal Plan
It’s something else completely.
You see, not all healthy diets help you build muscle. Nor do they help you shed body fat.
And not all diets that help you build muscle or drop pounds are healthy.
The key is to find a style of eating that does both at the exact same time. This will help you get amazing results while freeing up your time, and removing all of the guesswork.
Allowing you to ENJOY LIFE while finally getting the results you’ve been dreaming of.
You can think of the ANABOLIC FASTING DIET as a SHORTCUT
I have to admit that before I created Anabolic Fasting I was stuck in a bit of a rut.
Sure I was lean… Definitely leaner than most people my age.
And my clients were also able to get lean and muscular.
(I know, sounds like a ‘win-win’)
But I kept hitting the same brick wall.
You see, the people I work with loved the results they were getting, but they wanted to know ‘why?’
And ‘why’ didn’t just mean the science behind the hormones and signaling molecules in the body…
They wanted to know the REASON why it worked so well.
Why does the human body react so brilliantly to some diet programs but not to others?
Which led me to question everything… Every aspect of the Eat Stop Eat approach.
An approach I had been doing for almost 20 years.
Eventually I turned the entire model upside down, breaking all the rules and helping me discover a whole new way of doing things.
The components are mostly the same. They’re just ordered differently, in a way that not only makes sense to me, but that is backed by solid research AND what we know about human evolution and how our ancestors ate.
I’d finally reached a point where I was satisfied that this was EXACTLY how I could help people on the Anabolic Fasting Program who wanted some more guidance with their diet, nutrition and eating…
And help the people who really want to understand exactly WHY this style of dieting is so effective.
People who are thrilled with the results, but still craving to know WHY it works…
If this sounds like you, then add the Anabolic Fasting Diet to your order below
(If it doesn’t sound like you then please, DON’T WORRY, I held nothing back in the original Anabolic Fasting Program. You will still see OUTSTANDING results.)
Lastly, I Want You To Know That There’s No Catch! I know you’ve invested in me, and in the Anabolic Fasting program. And I’m not about to sour you on your investment.
The truth is…
I was planning on selling this course for $37…
…But then I realized – by lowering the price to $17 it allows me to impact more people and make sure they see the return they’ve been promised.
The Anabolic Fasting Diet
This course covers the exact information we would discuss if I were your personal diet coach, and outlines exactly how I would ask you to eat to get your best results possible.
Only $17
(Save $20 today)
Transform your body by building muscle and burning fat at the same time.
✅ Get Instant Access For Just $17! Delivered instantly.
✅ Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Access! Just add to your order below
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